Silvia Gálvez

Inner Child Healing Expert & Business Strategist

As an inner child wounds expert, I have seen how deeply our early experiences shape our ability to speak  our truth as adults. Many of us were raised in environments where our voices weren’t heard, where what  we thought or felt was dismissed, ignored, or invalidated.

These formative experiences can create deep  wounds in our inner child, which then impact our ability to express ourselves authentically later in life. When we are not allowed to speak our truth as children—whether through direct silencing or emotional  neglect—we internalize a belief that our voice doesn’t matter. We start to believe that sharing our  thoughts, feelings, and needs is dangerous or unimportant. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy,  shame, or fear of rejection. 

Our inner child wounds often make us feel like we need approval from others in order to be seen as  worthy. We start to prioritize other people’s opinions over our own, fearing that if we speak our truth, we  may be criticized, abandoned, or unloved. We may believe that we are not enough or that what we have to  say doesn’t matter. 

These wounds create a barrier to speaking our truth. But healing is possible. Here’s how we can begin to  reclaim our voice and speak authentically, even when our inner child wounds try to hold us back: 

  1. Acknowledge the Wounds 

The first step is to recognize and validate the inner child wounds that are preventing you from speaking  your truth. Understand that your fear or hesitation comes from past experiences where you were not  allowed to express yourself freely. This awareness allows you to separate your past from your present,  recognizing that those old wounds no longer need to control you. 

  1. Give Yourself Permission to Speak 

Often, the fear of speaking our truth is rooted in the belief that we don’t have permission to do so. By  giving yourself permission to speak—regardless of how others may react—you reclaim the power over  your own voice. Start by reminding yourself that your feelings, thoughts, and experiences are valid. Your  truth matters simply because you matter. 

  1. Challenge the Need for Approval 

One of the deepest roots of inner child wounds is the belief that we need approval from others to be  worthy. Begin to challenge this belief by aUirming your worthiness without needing others’ validation.  Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that your values does not depend on how others perceive  you. When you feel secure in your own worth, speaking your truth becomes easier.

  1. Nurture Your Inner Child 

Healing your inner child involves giving love, care, and attention to the parts of yourself that were  neglected or silenced. Speak to your inner child with kindness, reassure them that it’s safe to express  themselves, and encourage them to speak out. Inner child work can help you reconnect with the parts of  you that were once ignored, allowing you to rediscover your authentic voice. 

  1. Take Small Steps 

If speaking your truth feels overwhelming, start small. Practice sharing your truth in low-risk situations— perhaps with trusted friends, journaling, or in safe spaces. Over time, these small steps build confidence  and ease in expressing yourself fully. 

  1. Surround Yourself with Support 

It’s important to surround yourself with people who validate and support your truth. Being around those  who respect your voice can help heal the wounds that made you feel unheard. Choose relationships that  nurture your authenticity, where you feel safe to speak your mind without fear of judgment. 

  1. Reframe the Fear of Rejection 

Finally, it’s important to reframe the fear of rejection. While it’s natural to worry about how others will  react, remember that their opinions do not define you. Speaking your truth may not always be easy, and  not everyone will agree with you, but that doesn’t make your truth any less valid. By facing your fear of  rejection head-on, you can begin to release the hold it has over you. 


The journey to speaking your truth starts by understanding the impact of your inner child wounds. These  wounds may have made you feel invisible, inadequate, or unworthy of sharing your thoughts and feelings.  But as you heal these wounds and nurture your inner child, you can gradually rebuild the courage to  express yourself authentically. Your voice matters. You matter. And the world is waiting to hear your truth. 

— Silvia Gálvez, Inner Child Wounds Expert 

Intellectual property of Authentic Transformation Corporation & Silvia Galvez, reproduction of any kind, is  forbidden. 

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