Silvia Gálvez

Inner Child Healing Expert & Business Strategist

Playing small is often rooted in fears stemming from our childhood wounds:
Fear of failure or rejection (rejection wound)
Fear of being ridiculed or judged (humiliation wound)
Fear of not being able to do it alone (abandonment wound)

These fears keep us in a cycle of hidingdoubting, and playing safe—but they don’t serve your soul’s mission!

💡 Here’s Why You MUST Stop Playing Small and Become the Game:

1️⃣ Your Soul Came Here to Play Big 🌟
You have a mission, and your soul knows the way. Stop listening to ego—it only holds you back.

2️⃣ Ego Will Never Be Satisfied 😬
Playing small feeds the ego, which is fear-based and keeps you stuck in protection and defense mode.

3️⃣ Fear is Ego’s Tool 🚨
Ego hides behind fear to keep you safe—but safe isn’t fulfilling.

4️⃣ Alignment with Your Soul = Success 💫
When aligned with your soul’s mission, the right people, places, and opportunities will come to you. Trust your soul to guide you beyond fear and into greatness.

5️⃣ Regret Comes from Playing Small 💔
When you play big, you’ll experience joy, self-love, and pride in your journey. Big moves create big rewards—personally and for humanity.

💥 Choose love over fear. Choose joy over regret. Choose to PLAY BIG! 💥

✨ #SoulMission #PlayBig #InnerChildHealing #SoulStrategies #SoulsMission

👉 Are you ready to break free from playing small? Let’s do this together! 💪

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