Self Awareness Assessment

Do you feel uncomfortable in your own skin?
Do you feel uncomfortable with your body? Do you try to make yourself small and harder to notice?
Do you avoid large crowds and social interactions?
Do you feel self-conscious when you are around other people? Do you avoid eating in front of others? Do you feel like people are watching and judging you?
Do you self sabotage?
Do you find yourself saying things or behaving in ways that are opposite of what you actually want? Do you find yourself behaving in a way that will cause the opposite results that you want?
Do you use your sexuality to gain acceptance and validation?
Do you seek external validation? Do you find yourself doing things you don’t want to so you feel loved, accepted, and validated?
Do you often feel ashamed of yourself?
Is shame a common feeling for you? Do you have low self worth?

Pattern awareness.
The purpose of these questions is to help you be mindful of patterns that could exist in your life. Patterns can indicate underlying causes or systems (ways of thinking and acting) that lead to negative feedback loops. Our wounds drive our belief systems, thought patterns, and behaviors which affects our experiences in our careers, academics, friendships, and relationships.
Be kind, honest, and compassionate with yourself as you answer the following questions. Be curious, observe, reflect, and learn more about who you are. There are reasons why we act the way we act. It’s often related to patterns we witnessed in our childhood.
Work with our Master Transformational Coaches to identify what the root cause of these patterns could be and to learn tools, skills, and strategies to shift the results you are experiencing into a reality you want and are happy in.

Do you feel jealous of what other people have?
Do you feel jealous of their careers, relationships, homes, cars? What is at the heart of that jealousy you feel? Is what people have evidence of abundance, evidence those great things happen, or does it feel like it takes something away from you?
Do you view other people as competition?
Do you feel threatened by other peoples’ looks, skills, talents, resources, and ideas?
Are you stingy with your resources?
Do you hold back in sharing your time, finances, food, and friends? Do you keep score? Do you believe in tit for tat?
Do you find yourself in repeated situations where you feel like you're not enough?
Do you feel that in your friendships, relationships, academic, and professional career? Do other people echo those thoughts?
Do you feel like you don't know who you are?
Do you feel like disconnected from your identity, from your body? Do you feel out of touch with yourself and other people? How is your relationship with yourself, deity, and others?

Do you make negative assumptions about what others think about you?
If someone doesn’t greet you, sit beside you, talk with you, do you assume it means they don’t like you?
Do you have a hard time asking for what you need?
Do you believe you won’t get what you want, or don’t deserve to be happy? Does it sometimes feel easier not to try?
How do you approach conflict?
Does it feel easier to run away, hide, cut people off, block them than to work through conflict? How are your communication and conflict resolution skills?
Do you people please?
Do you people please often? Do you have a hard time setting and honoring boundaries with people? Does it feel easier to be who people want you to be so you feel accepted and loved?
Is not feeling good enough a common emotion for you?
Do you struggle to feel good about who you are? How’s your inner dialogue? Is your inner dialogue celebratory or is it critical?

Pattern awareness.
The purpose of these questions is to help you be mindful of patterns that could exist in your life. Patterns can indicate underlying causes or systems (ways of thinking and acting) that lead to negative feedback loops. Our wounds drive our belief systems, thought patterns, and behaviors which affects our experiences in our careers, academics, friendships, and relationships.
Be kind, honest, and compassionate with yourself as you answer the following questions. Be curious, observe, reflect, and learn more about who you are. There are reasons why we act the way we act. It’s often related to patterns we witnessed in our childhood.
Work with our Master Transformational Coaches to identify what the root cause of these patterns could be and to learn tools, skills, and strategies to shift the results you are experiencing into a reality you want and are happy in.
Do you avoid being vulnerable?
Do you feel like you have to protect yourself? Is your guard usually up? Do you have a hard time trusting people? Do you isolate yourself because you believe you’re better off alone? Do you sometimes feel like you can’t trust anyone?
Is hot and cold a common feeling in your relationships?
Is it (a cycle of) passionate and intense then distant, nerve wracking, and unfulfilling? Do you have disorganized attachment (a mixture of anxious and distant)?
Do you excuse or justify people's crappy behavior?
Do people break promises to you often? Do you break promises to yourself and others?
Do you find yourself in situations where people break your trust or boundaries?
Does this happen in your relationships, friendships, or with your colleagues? Do you break your own trust and boundaries?
Is shame a common feeling for you?
Do you experience shame often? Do you dislike your body? Do you dislike who you are?

Are you attracted to people who are emotionally unavailable?
Do you choose partners who don’t meet your needs? Do you choose partners who are unresponsive to your needs? Who don’t seem to care?
Do you emotionally monitor people?
Do you feel the need to check in to see if friends, family, bosses, partners are mad with you? Do you find yourself anxiously checking in to make sure people are ok?
Do you feel the need to do things or act a certain way to earn love?
Do you feel unworthy of love? Do you worry people will leave you? Do you worry you’re not good enough?
Has someone important to you left you?
Do you feel you’re not good enough for people to stay? Or for people to love? Do you have low self worth and self esteem?
Is anxiety a common theme for you?
Do you have anxious attachment? Do you come across as clingy sometimes? Do you need constant reassurance?
Did you grow up in a very rigid or abusive environment?
Did you grow up in an environment where your boundaries weren’t respected? Where rules were rigid? Where caregivers cared more about being respected than your well-being? Where you were controlled and manipulated?
Do you feel insecure or impotent?
Do you feel like things are outside of your control? Do you find it hard to take control of your life? Are there things you want to do you feel you can’t?
Are you a perfectionist?
Do you feel things need to be perfect? Do you have high expectations of yourself? Do you have high expectations of other people?
Do you feel life is unfair?
Does it seem like things don’t go your way often?
Do you impose your power and authority?
Do you have a hard time respecting peoples’ boundaries? Do you perceive disrespect in little things people do? Do you feel a strong need to feel respected? Do you manipulate other people?